Full Bellies, Strong Minds

food blog
As stated in the The Borgen Project  2014 report, "What is one of the most prominent obstacles hindering the child’s learning process? Hunger. Chronic hunger can prevent students from making the most of a formal education, no matter how hard they try to ignore its effects. The sad truth is that hunger can have physical and psychological effects on young people that make learning substantially difficult. Food is the fuel necessary to get through a normal day. The calories in food provide energy to carry out regular day-to-day activities. Without an adequate amount of this energy, students may fall asleep in school or lack the energy to pay attention to an entire day of classes."(www.borgenproject.org

Knowing that food security is an issue for many students within our community, we ensure that our students get a snack every afternoon upon arrival each day and dinner at our center each night before heading home. This allows our students to get the necessary nutrition, giving fuel for their mind, and energy for their growing bodies.

Teach My People food program is monitored through the oversight of the Lowcounty Food Bank (www.lowcountryfoodbank.org). The Lowcounty Food Bank supplies Teach My People with the ingredients needed (through US Foods) and a menu to follow for each week’s meals. These menus and the serving portions are guided by Department of Social Services instructions. We follow their regulations diligently, are DHEC certified, and report each month to Lowcountry Food Bank how many meals were served. 

Teach My People truly appreciates the partnership with Lowcountry Food Bank.  It is a $40,000 yearly investment in Teach My People, our students and our community.



#OneCommunity #TMPfamily #Food4GrowingBodies #LowcountryFoodBank



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